Mutual information disentangles interactions from changing environments

Giorgio Nicoletti, Daniel M. Busiello

Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 228301 (2021), 2021

Recommended citation: Giorgio Nicoletti, Daniel M. Busiello. Mutual information disentangles interactions from changing environments. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 228301 (2021).

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Real-world systems are characterized by complex interactions of their internal degrees of freedom, while living in ever-changing environments whose net effect is to act as additional couplings. Here, we introduce a paradigmatic interacting model in a switching, but unobserved, environment. We show that the limiting properties of the mutual information of the system allow for a disentangling of these two sources of couplings. Further, our approach might stand as a general method to discriminate complex internal interactions from equally complex changing environments.